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Frontend Web Development with React.JS

Master React JS with our comprehensive curriculum, competitive pricing, and hands on experience of multiple projects.

Course Instructor
Course Details

Vivek Neupane

FullStack Developer | ReactJS | NextJS | NodeJS | MongoDB | Firebase | AWS | React Native

Co-Founder / CTO - Medicos International

Linkedin: Vivek Neupane

Course Curriculum

Foundational Concepts
  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript:

  • Introduction to React:

    • What is React?

    • JSX syntax

    • Components and their lifecycle

    • Props and state management

    • Rendering and virtual DOM

  • Component Structure:

    • Functional and class components

    • Component composition

    • Higher-order components

  • State Management:

    • Local state

    • Context API

    • Redux (optional, depending on project complexity)

  • Data Fetching:

    • Fetch API

    • Axios or other libraries

    • Handling asynchronous operations

  • Routing:

    • React Router

    • Nested routes

    • Parameterized routes

  • Forms and User Input:

    • Controlled and uncontrolled components

    • Form validation

    • Handling form submissions

  • Testing:

    • Jest and React Testing Library

    • Unit and integration tests

Advanced Topics
  • Performance Optimization:

    • Profiling tools

    • Memoization

    • Lazy loading

    • Code splitting

  • Hooks:

    • useState, useEffect, useContext, and others

    • Custom hooks

  • TypeScript with React:

    • Type safety benefits

    • Setting up a TypeScript project

  • Deployment:

    • Build tools (Webpack, Parcel)

    • Deployment platforms (Netlify, Vercel, AWS)

  • Accessibility:

    • ARIA attributes

    • Keyboard navigation

    • Screen reader compatibility

Practical Application and Projects

  • Build real-world projects: create projects that apply learned concepts.

  • Emphasis on problem-solving: Guide students through troubleshooting common issues.

  • Code reviews and feedback: Provide constructive criticism to improve coding practices.

  • Course Duration:

    2.5 Months

  • Timings

    Sunday - Thursday
    7:00 PM to 8:30 PM (NST)

  • Certificate available after final project completion

  • Affordable Pricing

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